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Ron Eck


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Fax: 304-293-7109

Dr. Ron Eck, Professor Emeritus, returned to the role of WV LTAP Director on June 2, 2020. From 2008 to 2020, Ron was actively involved with the program as a senior adviser and instructor. From 1991 until his retirement in 2008 from West Virginia University as a faculty member, Ron served as the WV LTAP director. In addition to advising the center staff, Ron provides technical assistance to WV communities, teaches a variety of WV LTAP classes, engages with other LTAP Centers throughout the United States, and provides guidance regarding program direction.

Ron graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor of science in civil engineering in 1971 and a Ph.D. in 1975. He is a registered professional engineer in West Virginia. He began teaching in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at West Virginia University in 1975. Ron is a member of the Transportation Research Board, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals and he is well-respected as an expert in the areas of ADA accessibility, bicycle and pedestrian issues, and traffic engineering.

© 2021 West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program

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