This is a recording from 2021 of the WV LTAP's Applying ADA in Work Zones class. The entire class should take approximately 6 hours to complete. OVERVIEW When a vehicle leaves the travel lane or the roadway, the results can be deadly; more than two-thirds of annual fatal crashes in West Virginia relate to roadway departures. This workshop provides and overview of safety treatments and countermeasures that can be used to help reduce the frequency and severity of roadway departure crashes. The nature and magnitude of this problem is described along with general categories of implementation strategies. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the class, attendees should be able to: Learn low-cost strategies to address this issue Understand use of signing, delineation, and rumble strips/stripes to reduce roadway departure crashes Understand techniques for improving shoulders, slopes, and ditches as well as relocating objects such as utility poles in clear zones Learn how to minimize the severity of roadway departure crashes that do occur AUDIENCE This workshop should be of interest to state, county, and municipal transportation, traffic, and safety engineers, technicians, maintenance personnel, and planners involved with roadway safety. Designers (engineers & architects) should also find this workshop of interest.