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There are many myths about transportation related issues. Road Sleuth is designed to help dispel these myths and reveal the truth.


Road Sleuth came from conversations WV LTAP staff had with public works directors, street supervisors, and others. From these conversations, one common theme emerged: public works personnel repeatedly getting the same questions and requests time and again from their elected officials and residents, and not having educational information readily available.


The Road Sleuth series can be downloaded as a PDF or Microsoft Publisher file. The Publisher files are formatted so agencies can add their individual contact information if desired. The WV LTAP does ask that the main text not be changed or altered without permission. Agencies are encouraged to post these information sheets on their webpage, distribute printed copies to city council members, send out in mailings, etc. 

Myth: Traffic signals reduce crashes.
Myth: All-way stop signs slow traffic.
Myth: Speed bumps and speed humps are the same.
Myth: Roundabouts and traffic circles are the same thing.
Myth: Pedestrians should walk in the same direction as traffic when sidewalks are not available.
Myth: It can’t cost that much to pave.
Myth: Why is the road department spraying water on the roadway during the winter?
Myth: “CHILDREN AT PLAY” signs make drivers more alert and drive more slowly.

© 2021 West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program

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