Access Management

Access control involves managing the location and design of driveways and roads, as they connect to other streets, roads, and highways. Access connections often create serious conflicts for motorists as vehicles enter, maneuver, and exit the roadway.
Attendees in this class will learn about the latest access design principles, access management techniques, retrofit programs, legal implications, and design guidelines. Necessary tools and good practices for providing well-planned access to a variety of projects, from the perspectives of both the agency and the developer proposing the project will also be covered. The needs of all road users (motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists) will be addressed.
Upon completion of the class, attendees should be able to:
Discuss the impacts of access on highway safety and operations
Choose access management techniques to mitigate
challengesIdentify practices needed for implementing access management programs
This class should be of interest to transportation engineers,
planners, technicians, public works directors, street supervisors, elected/appointed officials, and others concerned with the impacts of access location and design on the safety and capacity of the roadway system.