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Common Sense Solutions to Intersection Safety



All road owners need to make intersection safety a priority, as nearly half of all serious injuries and deaths occur at intersections. This workshop is intended to provide state and local roadway agency employees and elected/appointed officials with a basic understanding of the role they play in making local intersections safer and protecting their governments from litigation. This workshop provides practical information for common safety problems that do not require an engineer, as well as background information on problems that do require engineering expertise. Non-engineers will learn ways they can assist traffic engineers in the safety process and learn when an engineer needs to be consulted.


Upon completion of this class, attendees should be able to:

  • Apply a common sense process when evaluating intersection safety

  • Identify many safety problems at intersections

  • Select countermeasures to address common issues


This class should be of interest to anyone involved in assessing or implementing improvements to intersections including public works managers, elected/appointed officials, state agency employees, and law enforcement.

© 2021 West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program

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