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Traffic Calming



Traffic engineers and public officials face a growing number of complaints about high motor vehicle speeds and volumes in residential neighborhoods. This class will discuss typical traffic problems in neighborhoods and their causes. Geometric design features and traffic control strategies to provide safer and more livable neighborhoods will be described, including residential area traffic circles, bulb-outs, medians, speed humps, and diverters. Impacts of these features and liability and legal issues will also be reviewed. Particular attention will be paid to the process of traffic calming, including citizen participation, establishment of supporting policies and regulations, and funding.


Upon completion of the class, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand traffic problems and their causes

  • Understand traffic control strategies to create a safer residential area

  • Understand the liability and legal issues of this topic


This class should be of interest to traffic engineers and technicians, transportation planners, and others responsible for creating or evaluating traffic calming proposals.

© 2021 West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program

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