WV Local Technical Assistance Program
Tailgate Safety Talks
Driver Operator Safety
This Tailgate Talk is part of the NLTAPA collection.

The safety of our worker is the highest priority! The way you drive says much about you and our organization. Make a positive impact by following these work-related safe driving practices:
Use your seatbelt at all times
Be well rested, avoid taking medications that make you drowsy and never drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs
Dedicate your full attention to driving. Avoid distractions such as eating, talking or texting on the cell phone
Drive safely per the road conditions – drive the speed limit or slower….
Continually search the roadway or job site to be alert for situations requiring quick action
Keep your cool in traffic
Drive defensively. Be seen - Turn on your lights in low light
Be patient and courteous to other drivers
Follow only one spotter or signaler
No matter how difficult, do not take other driver’s actions personally
Never become complacent
Expect the unexpected
Always be sure your truck/equipment is in safe condition
Always be sure your truck/equipment is safely loaded