WV Local Technical Assistance Program
Tailgate Safety Talks
Teamwork Prevents Accidents
This Tailgate Talk is part of the NLTAPA collection.

Teamwork keeps workers safe and production high on any job. Teamwork prevents accidents. All we have to do is think of the other person’s safety as well as our own.
Think about driving as one example of teamwork for safety. Safe drivers not only look out for their own safety, but make sure they don’t endanger the lives of other drivers. They give up their right-of-way to help another
driver. They slow down to let a driver cut back in after that driver has tried to pass and discovered a vehicle coming in the other direction.
It’s not just a matter of one driver having the right of way or being right; it is a matter of a little teamwork to prevent accidents. The safe driver knows that someday, it may take teamwork from some other safe driver to prevent an accident.
What applies on the road also applies on the job. It is not just a matter of you working safely and following all the rules yourself; you must think about the other person’s safety, too. You must lenda hand once in a while to prevent or avoid an accident that may involve another worker.
You can never tell what kind of situation will require teamwork to prevent an accident. You must solve each situation by working together and helping other people on the job.
If you have suggestions for making the task, the crew you work with, or the jobsite safer, let your supervisor know. If you see something wrong, correct it and let your supervisor and the rest of the team know so that it won’t be a problem again.
Think of the other person. His or her safety may depend on you. Don’t let your team down.